To check the status of your job applications, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Applications
    • Hover over the "View" menu and click on "Applications."
  2. Application listview
    • The "Applications" window will open, displaying all jobs you have:
  3. View Job Application Status
    • In this window, you can view the status of your job applications and easily access any job you've saved or applied for.

SubmittedThe application has been submitted by the candidate.
Presented to ClientThe candidate has been presented to the client for consideration.
Invited to InterviewThe candidate has been invited to an interview with the client.
AcceptedThe application has been accepted, and the candidate has been hired for the position.
In ProgressThe application has been opened, reviewed, but not accepted yet.
ClosedThe application had a "draft" status, and the application process was closed or concluded before it was submitted or accepted.
Removed from ProcessThe application has been removed from the application process.

4. View Job Application Details

  • To view details of application - click on the application
  • If the application is in Draft status, you can edit the application and submit.
  • You can also contact your Ework contact with questions reagrding this specific application in the Message tab.