Understanding Your Profile Options on Verama

As a user on Verama, you have the ability to create and manage multiple profiles. However, there are some key limitations and characteristics to keep in mind:

  • You can only have one private profile. This is the primary profile that represents you personally and is not associated with any specific company.
  • You can be connected to multiple company accounts, allowing you to easily switch between different roles and responsibilities.
  • Your private profile is the central hub for your profile information and settings, while your company profiles are tied to specific organization and representing a company.

By understanding these options and constraints, you can effectively manage your profiles and make the most of Verama's features to achieve your goals.

Creating a new Private Profile on Verama Supplier Portal 

A private profile is a profile that does not have its own VAT number and is used for individual profiles. Please follow the below steps to create a Private Profile.

(To be eligible for contracting on an assignment through Ework, you will need to have a Company Account or be connected to an existing Company Account. This is a mandatory requirement for accessing and participating in assignments through Ework. You can still apply on Job Request with your private profile)

Logged in as Admin or Manager

  1. Hover over the Avatar icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Select "Switch profile"
  3. Click "Add new profile"
  4. Select "Create a private person profile"
  5. Complete the "Create a private profile" window. Please enter all required fields marked with *

Saving Your Changes

After completing your private profile, click the "Finish" button to save your changes. Your private profile is now successfully created and you can start using it on Ework's Verama.

You can easily switch between your profiles by hovering over the Avatar icon in the upper right corner of the menu, from where you can select the profile you want to switch to.